Friday, April 27, 2012


As a wonderful wife and mother of four,
Making lunches at night has become quite a chore.
So just make five sandwiches all the same, you say?
But each kid has a preference, and it can change by the day!
For my husband it's simple, a wrap that's whole wheat,
With turkey and lettuce-that's what he'll eat.
Next comes my firstborn who doesn't like bread,
But he's happy to consume a bagel instead.
Not with tuna fish or lox; those are too smelly,
And his school is nut free, so no PB and jelly.
Cheese makes him gag, but canned salmon's okay,
Sometimes egg salad, it depends on the day!
My sweet older daughter is so easy to please,
Packing her lunch bag is simply a breeze!
She'll eat what I give her be it cream cheese on rye,
Or last night's left over chicken pot pie.
Then comes #3 the pickiest of the bunch,
It's a real adventure just packing him a lunch!
He has a passion for potatoes, cooked,baked or fried,
He'll even eat 'em cold with ketchup on the side!
Hummus and crackers with pickles if I'm lucky,
But to him most foods are considered just yucky.
For my darling baby girl it's yogurt with a spoon,
She eats a second lunch when she comes home at noon.
By the time I'm done this task, I'm exhausted as can be,
And I can never find time to fix a midday meal for me!